Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Random :P

Hi all ! Welcome back to my blog :)
Feel free for ask something about me ^^

I'm gonna share something about me..
My self... And I'm gonna make answer for many people who ask me many questions.. :D :P

First...? Hmmm.... I don't know how to share something about me for the opening *eh *slap my head by myself

Okay... This is first, my friends ask me :
1. Why I don't have a boyfriend ?
Answer : Hmmm.. That's a long story... Hmmm. :S *confused* Long time ago, when I'm 13 years old, in my Junior High School (?) LOL. My friend, his initial O. He ask me "Do u want to  be my girlfriend?". And I said "yes". AND 3 DAYS LATER... Ups, I mean 2 DAYS LATER. We broke up. I cried and I know how stupid I am. LOL. I want to have a boyfriend, but I need someone who really make me happy and really know how I am. And of course should more tall than me or same tall like me. Ahahaha. Sometimes, I got jealous when I see my friend and her boyfriend. But if someone ask me again to be his gf I though I'm scared. I think, "Why he likes someone like me? I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm not special, I'm not really clever, etc". Then, I reject it. Although I search for a boyfriend. I hope if sometimes, someone ask me again for his girlfriend or not, I accept it and he really my type. hahahaha :S That's embrassing -_-

2. Do I have someone I love now ?
Answer : Of course yes ! His initial A. He didn't school in my school. But he ever school in my school when he Junior High School. I like him in the first time we meet. He's kind, clever, wise, respectful, responsible, etc. I really like him but I know the reality that it's impossible. We really have many difference. I meet him when I join a retreat. Okay, nevermind it. LOL XD

3. How Old I am? What's my birthday? About me?
Answer : I'm 14 year old. I'm born on 14th January. I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm chinese-Indonesian. I'm melankolis-plegmatis type. I love animals, specially for cat and dog. I really like singing. My hobby are singing, playing computer, reading, writing, listening music, hanging, dancing, etc. I hope I can be a singer or an actor. I love all my friends. I love God and my parents, my family. I really friendly, I'm easy going, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I really like to wear glasses. I love black and white. I really like anything that looks simple. I really scared of highest. And the other ~~~~ XD

That's all :) For the closing I have some video, that's about me, I'm covering Adele song, the title is "Rolling In The Deep" ^_____^
Hope you enjoy it guys :))